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Sean C
January 9, 2024
Dr. Sean Cullen, of New York, was 9-years-old when his 9-month-old brother Kevin died due to respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a common respiratory virus.
Lyden Paget Ewing
December 12, 2023
The Paget-Ewing Award is named after Sir Stephen Paget and Dr. James Ewing, pioneers in metastasis research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who proposed the two major theories to explain the organ selectivity of metastasis. The Paget-Ewing Award is the highest honor bestowed by the Metastasis Research Society and honors a person’s scientific excellence and substantial contributions to the understanding and/or control of cancer metastasis. Service to the MRS, or to the field in general...
2023 Jurg Tschopp
October 31, 2023
Each year the Jürg Tschopp Memorial Symposium will be a highlight of the Cytokines Annual Meeting in memory of Professor Jürg Tschopp whose discoveries in the area of inflammasomes and cell death advanced fundamental understanding of innate and adaptive immunity bringing new therapies to patients suffering from debilitating inflammatory diseases. Virginia Pascual’s Lecture, “Cytokines in systemic lupus erythematosus pathogenesis”, is representative of Dr. Tschopp’s ability to take fundamental...
October 23, 2023
A recent study funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases suggests that severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to persistent changes in the innate immune system. These changes may explain why the virus can affect multiple organs and cause prolonged inflammation in some individuals. The research, published in the journal Cell, focuses on changes in blood-forming stem cells in individuals recovering from COVID-19 that increase the production of inflammatory cytokines.
October 23, 2023
HOMEHEALTH NEWS The Invisible Scars of COVID-19 – Severe Infection Could Cause Long-Term Innate Immune System Changes TOPICS:COVID-19Immune SystemInflammationNational Institute Of Allergy And Infectious DiseasesWeill Cornell Medicine By NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES OCTOBER 22, 2023 COVID Immunity Severe COVID-19 can lead to lasting changes in the innate immune system, potentially explaining why it can affect numerous organs and cause prolonged inflammation in...
August 3, 2023
Cancers account for nine million of the 18 million deaths each year worldwide. Liver cancer is the 7th most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 4th most common cause of cancer death — over 800,000 deaths annually (lung, breast and bowel cancers being the top three). Viral infection causes about 80% of liver cancers which is why they are more prominent in undeveloped countries. Even so, about 19 people in the UK die every day from liver cancer, the corresponding USA figure being 85, and a gloomy...
Lyden Nature
May 24, 2023
Cancers often release molecules into the bloodstream that pathologically alter the liver, shifting it to an inflammatory state, causing fat buildup and impairing its normal detoxifying functions, according to a study from investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine. This discovery illuminates one of cancer’s more insidious survival mechanisms and suggests the possibility of new tests and drugs for detecting and reversing this process.
A patient at the doctor's office getting a vaccine shot. Credit: Shutterstock
April 7, 2023
A team led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine, the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Scripps Research and the University of Chicago has identified an antibody that appears to block infection by all dominant variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, including omicron, the most recent. Their discovery could lead to more potent vaccines and new antibody-based treatments.
Starr Cancer Consortium
February 10, 2023
Five teams led by Weill Cornell Medicine scientists have been awarded funding from the Starr Cancer Consortium in its 16th annual grant competition. The grants will fund research on the molecular origins and evolution of blood, bladder, breast, and colon cancers.
Drs. David Lyden and Harel Weinstein
February 2, 2023
Two Weill Cornell Medicine faculty members, Dr. David Lyden, the Stavros S. Niarchos Professor in Pediatric Cardiology, and Dr. Harel Weinstein, the Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Physiology and Biophysics and past chair of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Weill Cornell Medicine Gale and Ira Drukier Institute for Children's Health 413 E. 69th Street New York, NY 10021